Meet the Easter Bunny at Bunny Brunches, Trains, and Easter Bunny Pictures in CT

Take a trolley ride with the Easter Bunny in East Windsor for some springtime fun! Photo courtesy of the Connecticut Trolley Museum
Take a trolley ride with the Easter Bunny in East Windsor for some springtime fun! Photo courtesy of the Connecticut Trolley Museum
3/20/23 - By Jennifer Coe

Spring brings budding flowers to Connecticut, as well as sunshine, longer days, and a visit from the Easter Bunny! Connecticut families will be able to spot the Easter Bunny (and take some Easter Bunny pictures) in many places around the state. Some of these spots include a train in Essex, a trolley in East Windsor, a tasty pancake breakfast in Newtown, and even, perhaps, at your local Easter Egg Hunt.

Are you as eager to dive into springtime as we are? Use our Spring Bucket List as a guide or check out a Springtime Visit to Baby Farm Animals in Fairfield or the Hartford-area.


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