Breakfast With Santa at Milleridge Inn
Sat Dec 3, 2022 - Sun Dec 18, 2022
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Repeating every week — Sundays, and Saturdays through December 18, 2022.
9:00am ET
Age: All ages
Price: Adults $45.95, Children ages 3-12 are $32.95, under age 2 is free. (+taxes and admin)
Mrs. Claus whips up a secret menu for this extra-special brunch, where families can indulge in breakfast treats and enjoy a safe and socially distant visit with Santa Claus himself. After breakfast, explore the Christmas Village, stuff a bear, and get a jump on your holiday shopping.
Walk around Santa's Christmas Village and Workshop and partake in stuff-a-bear, letters to Santa, and holiday shopping.
Dec. 3-4, 10-11, 17-18. Reservations are required and seating times are at 9am, 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am, 11am, 11:30am and 12pm.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.