Bryant Park Bumper Cars on Ice

Fri Jan 13, 2023 - Sat Mar 4, 2023
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 4, 2023.
Various times
Age: 7 and up
Price: $20+
Bank of America Winter Village at Bryant Park

Bryant Park's bumper cars slide, spin, and bump... on the ice! Book a 10-minute whirl online in advance. A new batch of tickets is released daily for dates two weeks in advance.

Tickets are booked by the hour, and 10-minute rides are first-come, first-served during that hour.

Bumper cars are single-rider only. No children on laps, one person per car. Drivers must be 7+ years old, at least 42-inches tall, and under 300 pounds to ride.

You may modify your reservation up to 3 hours ahead of your scheduled time. 

Bumper car rides run from 2-8pm on weekdays and 11am-5pm on weekends.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.