Greenpoint Children's Annual Halloween Parade & Party
Calling all princes and princesses, heros and villians, witches and wizards. Town Square hosts the popular Greenpoint Children's Halloween Parade, inviting costumed kids of all all ages march down Manhattan Avenue and back to the starting point at the Polish Slavic Center for a Spooktacular Party.
The party features arts and crafts, games, contests, music, movie, bouncy house for little ones and more. Older kids can sign up for an epic Zombie Nerf War at the end of the afternoon.
10am & 11am ~ Spooktacular Party for little tykes ($20/child in advance; $30/child day of)
11:30am ~ Parade assembly begins
12pm ~ Parade March to Manhattan Ave, down to Bedford and back again.
1pm & 2pm ~ Spooktacular Party for little tykes ($20/child in advance; $30/child day of)
3pm & 4pm ~ Zombie Nerf War for older kids ($20/child in advance; $30/child day of)