The 13th Annual Jackson Heights Winter Holiday Sing-Along
Meet up with neighbors and friends—new and old—to sing winter and holiday songs from all faiths, languages, and cultures as a group while walking thru the local Jackson Heights area. Small, acoustic, portable instruments are welcome and encouraged.
Meet on the corner of 31st Avenue and 75th Street in front of Cassidy's Ale House. Bring a camera or video recorder, if you like. (It's OK to park in the former Dante's lot for this event.) Dress warmly and according to the weather! Wear comfortable/appropriate shoes or boots.
Bring a flashlight or well-protected candle for each person in your group. School Groups welcome and encouraged to join.
All children under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult. If possible, children under age 12 should wear reflective clothing instead of carrying open-flame candles for safety.