Snow White and the S-E-V-E-N Dwarfs
Sat Dec 7, 2019 - Sun Dec 8, 2019
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Repeating every days through December 8, 2019.
Various times
Age: 3-12
Price: $18
H-E-L-P! It’s Forest Wood Elementary School’s Great Spell-Off, when new girl Snow White comes up against Georgia, the Spelling Bee champ and resident Queen Bee.
Bullied by Georgia and her minions, Snow White escapes to the Magic Library and dreams up a musical lesson from S-E-V-E-N zany dwarfs! With all new songs and dance, this 30-min adventure is F-U-N for the entire family!
Purchase tickets in advance.
Shows at 10am and 1pm.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.