40 Jokes for Kids That Will Keep the Whole Family in Giggles
Submitted by MommyPoppins on
These funny jokes for kids will give you the pure joy of hearing your kids let out a deep belly laugh! The only thing that's better is watching them learn to tell their own jokes for kids. The first time my kids started telling jokes, they made little sense, but we all laughed together just the same, because hey, it was funny to them.
We've rounded up some of our favorite jokes for kids from our editors and writers, so you can share these tonight at dinner, in the car, or as a rainy day activity—and earn those shared family giggle sessions. Most of these are simple jokes that kids can memorize and tell on their own. Looking for more jokes? We've got jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, knock knock jokes, and jokes for every occasion on our Guide to the Best Jokes and Humor for Kids.
Read on for the best corny jokes for kids, animal jokes, Star Wars jokes, and yes, plenty of silly jokes for kids...