Pageant of the Masters in Laguna: These Paintings Are Not What They Seem
Submitted by Roberta B on

Every city has something uniquely its own, some quirky event or phenomenon that defies description yet defines by association. Houston has its rodeo; Boston has its tea party, and Laguna Beach has the Pageant of the Masters.
If you've never experienced this curious gem, the private treasure of the people of Laguna, opportunity awaits you every night all summer long. But get ready to clean your glasses, because you won't always be sure what you're looking at. The extraordinary event is unlike anything else I've seen; it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you're raising a budding artist, if your family rocks art museums, or if you just love outdoor entertainment on a summer evening, you owe it to yourselves to check the Pageant of the Masters off this summer's bucket list.