A-MAIZE-ing Kid-Friendly Corn Mazes in Houston

9/6/19 - By Rachael Cherry

Fall in Texas may boast temperatures hotter than most summers in other places, but that doesn't mean there aren't an array of quintessential fall activities in the area for families to enjoy, with favorites such as pumpkin patches, hay rides, fall festivals and corn mazes topping the list. While the Bayou City doesn't have a large number of corn mazes, the mazes out there offer up larger-than-life fall fun for the family. Put your problem-solving skills to good use this fall as you navigate through one of these corn mazes around Houston. 


Dewberry Farm
7705 FM 362, Brookshire

Every summer the folks at Dewberry Farm brainstorm potential designs to carve into their eight-acre cornfield, then work tirelessly to bring that idea to life. The end result is always a wild labyrinth through the corn stalks. Be sure to stop by the Corn-cierge booth before you tackle the trails and keep an eye out for plenty of CORNundrums around and near the maze. Don't count on leaving after your trip through the corn, though; in addition to the farm's main attractions, there's also a pumpkin patch, country cooking, DewVille Train Station and more for a day that's jam-packed with fall fun. The 2019 theme is Tex-Mex, which will celebrate the best parts of both Texan and Mexican heritage.

Is it this way... or that way?/Photo courtesy of Dewberry Farms

P-6 Farms
9963 Poole's Road, Montgomery

Test your navigation skills in the 8-acre P-6 corn maze, which always features a Texas-sized design cut into the cornfield that will have you scratching your head as you work your way through all the different twists and turns. After besting the maze of maize, stick around for even more fall fun. U-pick pumpkins, hillbilly pig races, a candy cannon, and the cow train are a small sampling of the farm's regular fall attractions. New attractions for 2019 include a pumpkin house and glass funhouse for kids and their families to explore. 

Froberg's Farm
3601 W. Highway 6, Alvin
The annual Corn Maze and Fall Festival at Froberg's Farm is an event that should be on everyone's fall bucket list. Successfully maneuvering through the corn maze is a game of strategy, and after you best it there's a whole host of activities and attractions that are ripe for the picking. For an added element of fall fun, head to the farm for an evening trip through the maze with the family, then hop on the tractor-drawn trailer for a lighted nighttime hay ride. 


Venturing into the corn maze/Top photo courtesy of Dewberry Farms.

This post originally published in September 2017.

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